Web site with info on teaching computer programming to kids

http://www.kidslike.info/ – “Kids Like . info is dedicated to bringing you the best, and most fun, educational resources for free. Our main emphasis currently is on teaching computer programming, math, and science. Information about business and innovation will be coming in the future.”

An excellent resource!

Computing for Good (C4G) at Georgia Tech



A program and course at Georgia Tech that looks to use computer science for social change. From the course Web page:

How can computing help make the world a better place? Why is providing connectivity important? How best to do so? How can computers help a nation heal? Can we avoid wars and track diseases in time to avoid epidemics? We explore problems faced by developing countries and underserved populations from a computer science perspective.

Lesson Plans, Student Tutorials for NXC


Dr. Stephanie Ludi has composed an excellent series of tutorials and lessons plans on NXC. They’re available here and here.

The lessons are targeted for grades 7-12 and assume no prior knowledge of programming in general or NXC in particular. They were underwritten in part by the National Science Foundation.

Lesson Plans, Student Tutorials for NXC


Dr. Stephanie Ludi has composed an excellent series of tutorials and lessons plans on NXC. They’re available here and here.

The lessons are targeted for grades 7-12 and assume no prior knowledge of programming in general or NXC in particular. They were underwritten in part by the National Science Foundation.