Couprie’s How to Teach Computer Science

From the home page:

“This webpage is designed for Alberta teachers of Computer Science but most resources would be applicable to other jurisdictions. I make no claims as a great teacher, I only provide these resources for you to take under advisement. You may edit, add or alter as you see fit but would prefer that you give credit back to this website. In the making of these activities, I have collaborated with the following teachers in no particular order: Jeff Karas, Christian Digout, Lance Pedersen, Bob Erichsen, Bill Lomax, Harvey Duff, Candace Phelps, Laura McKenzie and Mark Knoch. I apologize if I have missed anyone.

The organization of the following courses is reflective of my current program at McNally High School. Please be advised that I am tweaking content and the credits chosen on a yearly basis. The page is organized with a list of each credit offered at each level including a complete year’s lesson plan. What follows is a credit by credit breakdown of activities/assignments.”